Tuesday, 4 December 2012

The use of colour in adverts

The use of colour in adverts
Colour is one of the most powerful elements of design in adverts, as it can change the viewer’s perception of the advertisement, regardless of what the product that is being advertised is.

      Associated with all things intense and passionate, danger, fire, energy and excitement
      Symbol for violence, blood and war
      High visibility used for road signs
      Indicates courage used in many countries' flags
      China - indicates celebration or luck
      India - colour of purity (used in weddings)

      Colour of sunshine
      Indicates energy, optimism, joy, hope and warmth
      Symbol of spontaneity and impulsiveness
      Dull yellow is associated with decay, sickness, jealousy and deceit
      Asia - symbol of royalty and sacredness

      Depth and stability colour of the sky and sea
      Symbol of freedom
      Associated with tranquillity, wisdom and loyalty
      Symbolic of cleanliness, technology and security
      Masculine colour
      China - associated with immortality
      Hindus - the colour of Krishna
      Jews - holiness
      Middle East - protective colour

      Associated with enthusiasm, attractiveness, energetic, creativity and warmth
      Creates an invigorating effect
      Symbol of fall and harvest
      Ireland - religious significance (Protestant)

      Associated with Nature, youth, fortune and vigour
      Also associated with feelings of envy and jealousy
      Indicates inexperience (a greenhorn)
      Darker green associated with money
      The colour of Islam

      Connotes royalty, nobility, wealth and extravagance
      Symbolic of wisdom, magic and arrogance
      Associated with mourning
      75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colours

      Associated with security and solid
      Linked with maturity, old age and dignity
      Symbolic of conservativeness and boredom

      Associated with Earth, home and comfort
      Represents down-to-earth, boring or sophisticated.
      India - the colour of mourning

      Associated with romance and love.
      Also associated with feelings of calmness.
      Female colour.

      Represents purity, simplicity and faith
      Associated with clinical elements hospitals
      Colour of perfection
      Represents peace colour of doves and snow respectively
      Japan - white carnations signify death

      Gothic representations death and evil
      Symbol of grief
      Associated with power, mystery and fear
      Positive connotations - elegance and class
      Aggressive and strong colour

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